Syzygie, a ritual for the Ocean – 2 Performances Dance, music, visual art

Filipe Lourenço, Florian Song Nguyen, Bao Vuong

Saturday 15th of October, 6.30 pm and Sunday 16th of October, 6.30 pm

LX Factory Lisbon

Event organized as part of the France-Portugal 2022 Season.

Free entry

«Il y a sur la mer un phénomène farouche qu’on pourrait appeler l’arrivée des vents du large. En toute saison, particulièrement à l’époque des syzygies, à l’instant où l’on doit le moins s’y attendre, la mer est prise soudain d’une tranquillité étrange.» [The appearance of the sea presents a strange phenomenon, resulting from what may be called the arrival of the ocean winds. In all seasons, but particularly at the epoch of the Syzygies, at the moment when least expected, the sea sometimes becomes singularly tranquil.]

(Victor Hugo, Les travailleurs de la mer, 1866) 

At the crossroads between France, Vietnam, Morocco and Portugal, «Syzygie, a ritual for the Ocean», result from the meeting of 3 artists with mixed backgrounds, is a visual and living dialogue in which water is the coagulating element.

Driven by the awareness of the importance of ritual in the construction of an identity and nourished by a long exploration of the rites and customs of Maghreb and Vietnam, Filipe Lourenco, Florian Song Nguyen and Bao Vuong reveal to us the outcome of their exchanges in a piece in several acts where traditional music, song, dance, performance, painting and drawing intertwine.

Sometimes moving, sometimes stable but always fluid – like the ocean, “Syzygie” is a work of variable geometry mixing gesture with water, salt and incense powder.

This project is a collaboration between Plan K / Filipe Lourenço and O Gabinete by Madame Thao.

Program, locations :

Saturday October, 15th at 6.30 pm : Performance (dance, singing, music, visual art) by Filipe Lourenço and Florian Song Nguyen at LX Factory, under the water tower (facing the terrace of the Matchamama restaurant)

Sunday October, 16th at 6.30 pm : Performance (dance, singing, music) and live painting by Filipe Lourenço and Bao Vuong, followed by a drink reception at O Gabinete de Madame Thao, LX Factory loft i2-07

LX Factory . Rua Rodrigues de Faria, 103 . 1300-501 Lisbon

Contact:, tel: 210 151 021

Facebook, instagram: ogabinetedemadamethao


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